Friends are a blessing!
Today was truly a blessed day for me. I spent it with some really good friends. I am blessed to have Cy and Cecelia in my life. Cecelia is very witty and she always has the best advice that is always right on the mark with lots of great common sense to it. Not only is she smart she lives a fully blessed life. She has two great sons and some really great grandchildren.
After Computer was up and running we all three Cy, Cecelia, and me went to Hernandez Grocery and Mexican Restaurant for some of the best Beef & Chicken Fajitas! While we were there we met this real authentic cowboy who trains horses and dogs. He was very friendly, his name was Zane Williams. He volunteered to be a model for Cecelia. Cecelia is an artist. She paints real life pictures. This Zane is the perfect cowboy model from his warm smile and his cowboy hat down to his cowboy boots. He seemed to be a very nice hardworking young man.
And this is where the real fun and action began. Cecilia painted on the Indian Portrait that she has been working on lately and I tried my hand at painting Saw Blades. I had a terrific time.
These are my finished products! Not bad for a first time!
Anyhow this is how I spent my day! With my dear friends that I am thankful to have.
That is Cecelia, Cy, and Me!
Hope that you all having read my blog will take time out to be with your friends, relax, and have some fun!
I am always looking for new friends! See You On Facebook. Just click the next Link.
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Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
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