Thursday, January 30, 2014

Exercise, Work, Taxes, and Fun!

Exercise, Work, Taxes, and Fun!
As to Kevin Ingle being my new health mentor, he accepted the challenge wholeheartedly and has already given me my first assignment.  This is what he wrote, "Hey Rebecca, I have an assignment for you, I want you to google forks over knives this week, find a recipe that sounds good to you, and try it, that's your assignment this weekend."

That sounds like it may be a great challenge for all of us. So

follow along with my new mentor and me during the weeks and months to come. You too

could become health conscious and get fit.

As for the first day of my exercise regimen, it consisted of walking for one mile. If you 

think that that is too much for you just walk until slightly tired and continue a little more

every day until you make a mile. Don't push yourself remember to relax and the key is to

enjoy yourself. Take this time to think about happy thoughts not your problems or work.

Now that I have mentioned work that is a serious topic because where would we be without

work in our lives. Even if you do not work at a traditional job you still have work to do

and that can become stressful. So remember to pace yourself and take breaks during the

day. A good fifteen minute break to relax, read, paint, walk, etc., is a good distraction from

the task at hand that can re energize you for a more productive mindset that will help you

continue your work day at full steam.

This next topic is taxes. The big T word. We either dread it or we look forward to it, just 

depends on the outcome I suppose. For those that get a

refund that is terrific, could be a great vacation in the making or a nice nest egg for a good

investment. For those that have to cough up a good portion of their income to pay their

taxes my advice is to learn how to budget your money throughout the year so that this will

not set you back at all. As we learn to budget our money it is my belief that we should set

aside a substantial amount whenever we can for a savings plan and for paying our taxes

when they come due so that it will not be missed from our earnings in one lump sum. As

for those of us that have outstanding bills, credit cards etc. , I believe that a proportionate

amount of our savings should be spent paying those in order to curb what the interest is on

those expenses.

Now that we have gone over all of that let's get to the good part and that is fun!  You don't have to have a lot of money to have fun.  Take up a hobby!  Learn to cook exotic foods, paint, draw, write, read, or simply enjoy your free time to the fullest with family and good friends. Whatever you do don't forget to take care of you.  Spoil yourself in your free time with things that free your mind of worries and stress.
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Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon

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