Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Happy ThanksGiving Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving Every One!
I am wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving this year! Hope everyone gets to see family and friends! God Bless You ! Hope you have happiness and feel grateful for all of your many blessings.
Rebecca Lamon 2014
Rebecca Martindale 2015
I have a new page on facebook check it out and please like. Click HERE
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Rebecca Martindale 2015
I have a new page on facebook check it out and please like. Click HERE
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Okay Guys You don't have me fooled!
I have figured it out you all seen that handsome picture of my fiance and that is why you read this blog your just hoping for more! Well I will be honest I am selfish but I will share with you a little today.
After a busy day of taking care of business online that special man dropped by for a visit. It was so nice of him to come by. And not only did he visit he went all out and cooked supper for my entire family.
We had Barbecue Chicken. I have to admit Cy is one hell of a cook. I can testify to that he cooks I eat and that is another reason that I need to be out walking everyday. Still working on that.
I don't have any pictures today but we plan on taking a few this weekend so be prepared. I will definitely share with you guys.
It has been a splendid day.
And one other thing that I did today was watch an interview they had with Kate Northrup. Honest guys she really is fantastic. She will not only help you discipline yourself but she will teach you to explore the real you and help you figure out exactly what it really is that makes you happy. Go to http://www.KateNorthrup.com and check her out today. You will thank me when you do.
Until tomorrow ToDaLu!
How about a Like on Facebook?
If you like to take pictures You may also want to check this out. Might as well get paid for it.... Click Here!
I have figured it out you all seen that handsome picture of my fiance and that is why you read this blog your just hoping for more! Well I will be honest I am selfish but I will share with you a little today.
After a busy day of taking care of business online that special man dropped by for a visit. It was so nice of him to come by. And not only did he visit he went all out and cooked supper for my entire family.
We had Barbecue Chicken. I have to admit Cy is one hell of a cook. I can testify to that he cooks I eat and that is another reason that I need to be out walking everyday. Still working on that.
I don't have any pictures today but we plan on taking a few this weekend so be prepared. I will definitely share with you guys.
It has been a splendid day.
And one other thing that I did today was watch an interview they had with Kate Northrup. Honest guys she really is fantastic. She will not only help you discipline yourself but she will teach you to explore the real you and help you figure out exactly what it really is that makes you happy. Go to http://www.KateNorthrup.com and check her out today. You will thank me when you do.
Until tomorrow ToDaLu!
How about a Like on Facebook?
If you like to take pictures You may also want to check this out. Might as well get paid for it.... Click Here!
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Shazam! It Just Hit Me!
I am afraid of having too much peace and quite in my world. For the last couple of weeks I have been reading some of Kate Northrup's blogs. She is very witty and intelligent. Based upon what I have been reading I must have a fear of peace and quiet. I am constantly doing something. I will get on the computer and go through hundreds of websites a day reading, learning, spending money, and playing games. When I am not on the computer I am running around like a mad woman trying to kill myself cooking and cleaning. I am never without something to do. And Kate bless her heart has a lot to say about not being still. One thing that she mentions is that we are not more important just because we do a lot of things. Anyhow it just hit me I now realize that I need to slow down. My life is full of clutter. When your life is full of clutter you do not have any room to let other things in is what Kate says. She is so right. You know the lord may be trying to put something wonderful in my life and I am so busy being just busy that I cannot see it or grasp it. My busyness is making me lose sight of what is important in my life. If you want to check out Kate Northrup's blogs CLICK HERE
I for one am not going to be a slave anymore to this out of control lifestyle where there is no peace. Hope that you enjoy her blog. Thanks!
Would love to have you friend me on my facebook page. Until next time take care.
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Would love to have you friend me on my facebook page. Until next time take care.
*** For you network marketers here is a popular podcast software. Check it out!Click Here!
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Veterans Day 2014
Thank God for all of our many veterans. They are the greatest heros of the United States of America. Many praises go out to everybody in this great nation for celebrating these veterans. Our freedom, security, livelihoods,and quality of life have been protected by our veterans. Praise also goes out to their families for supporting them throughout their years of service.
A 13 year veteran talked briefly with me today. He shared his thoughts about veterans and their motives for joining the service. He seemed to believe that most people who joined the service were influenced by others. He himself respected his uncle, father and grandfather whom all had military careers. He told me that he
wanted to be like them.
Let's Here It For Facebook Guys!
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Rebecca Lamon's© Success Philosophy
It takes a little bit of courage and commitment to be successful in our world today!
Some are content to live a quite peaceful existence with little drama and others are not content unless they are busy and making a name for themselves.
I am here to recognize that everyone has their very own definition of success and I believe that everyone should have a great sense of self esteem knowing that they are unique from everyone else.
I recognize that I am also shaped in part by the environment around me in which I live.
Others' viewpoints may differ from mine but that does not mean that they do not affect me, sometimes in positive ways and sometimes in negative ways. It all depends upon my viewpoint.
I can get downright stubborn at times when someone else's viewpoint doesn't agree with mine. Thinking that I have the only right viewpoint can lead to arrogance in me and I realize that it is a narrow view.
Respecting someone else's views and thus being taught to think in ways that are a bit different than my normal way of thinking encourages growth.
Successful people grasp this concept and realize that they can learn different ways to cope with people who differ from them. Thus being able to use this knowledge to their advantage.
So, when was the last time you had a stimulating conversation with someone who had a different viewpoint from you yourself? Seek out those golden opportunities and grow. Try to think what makes them think the way they do? You might ask them to elaborate on the topic. Their background what they have experienced usually plays a role in why they feel the way they do about things.
All of us are unique and that uniqueness is the common trait that we all share that also makes us alike.
Troy Aikman knows we are unique. Have an assessment done today and see how unique you are go to http://www.eperales.idlife.com
This kinship that we have with one another should be enough for all of us to realize that we should respect one another.
So hold your head up today and be proud that you are unique and take pride in the God given talent of adaptation that has been given to you so that you are able to cope with so many different viewpoints.
Being able to do these things makes me think and believe that yes indeed we are all successful! So prosper and grow in the knowledge that you have these abilities.
They give you the capacity to recognize that your mind is not your own. Your viewpoints are shaped by you but also shaped by others, past experiences, and in your unique way in which you adapt with the universe around you.
Now that is enough of philosophy, what is it that everybody loves to talk about and needs a lot of you guessed it money. Looking for ways to make it, needing more of it, Not knowing what to buy with it. Check out this great little tool that they have came out with to increase your money! It is just what everybody needs a genie in a bottle, Aladdin's lamp, well maybe not all that but it is supposed to help double your money! And you just can't hardly beat that. Click Here!
Facebook is calling You! Get Engaged today! I love to chat.
It takes a little bit of courage and commitment to be successful in our world today!
Some are content to live a quite peaceful existence with little drama and others are not content unless they are busy and making a name for themselves.
I am here to recognize that everyone has their very own definition of success and I believe that everyone should have a great sense of self esteem knowing that they are unique from everyone else.
I recognize that I am also shaped in part by the environment around me in which I live.
Others' viewpoints may differ from mine but that does not mean that they do not affect me, sometimes in positive ways and sometimes in negative ways. It all depends upon my viewpoint.
I can get downright stubborn at times when someone else's viewpoint doesn't agree with mine. Thinking that I have the only right viewpoint can lead to arrogance in me and I realize that it is a narrow view.
Respecting someone else's views and thus being taught to think in ways that are a bit different than my normal way of thinking encourages growth.
Successful people grasp this concept and realize that they can learn different ways to cope with people who differ from them. Thus being able to use this knowledge to their advantage.
So, when was the last time you had a stimulating conversation with someone who had a different viewpoint from you yourself? Seek out those golden opportunities and grow. Try to think what makes them think the way they do? You might ask them to elaborate on the topic. Their background what they have experienced usually plays a role in why they feel the way they do about things.
All of us are unique and that uniqueness is the common trait that we all share that also makes us alike.
Troy Aikman knows we are unique. Have an assessment done today and see how unique you are go to http://www.eperales.idlife.com
This kinship that we have with one another should be enough for all of us to realize that we should respect one another.
So hold your head up today and be proud that you are unique and take pride in the God given talent of adaptation that has been given to you so that you are able to cope with so many different viewpoints.
Being able to do these things makes me think and believe that yes indeed we are all successful! So prosper and grow in the knowledge that you have these abilities.
They give you the capacity to recognize that your mind is not your own. Your viewpoints are shaped by you but also shaped by others, past experiences, and in your unique way in which you adapt with the universe around you.
Now that is enough of philosophy, what is it that everybody loves to talk about and needs a lot of you guessed it money. Looking for ways to make it, needing more of it, Not knowing what to buy with it. Check out this great little tool that they have came out with to increase your money! It is just what everybody needs a genie in a bottle, Aladdin's lamp, well maybe not all that but it is supposed to help double your money! And you just can't hardly beat that. Click Here!
Facebook is calling You! Get Engaged today! I love to chat.
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Most successful bloggers have particular themes and topics that they are knowledgeable about that they share with their audiences. But I have also seen blogs that were wall to wall pictures.
Blogs are typically written where they are easy to read with a good size font so readers do not have to strain their eyes to read the blog. The outline should go from large to small with the title being the largest and decreasing in size in the main body of text.
Also the blog should not go on and on with just no nonsense rambling.
You want to include something of value in your blog. Topics that you are familiar with that will benefit your audience and not bore them to tears is a start.
You also want to build a relationship with your audience. So it is ok to share things about yourself such as your great love for the arts or how great your hobbies are etc. Just remember to keep it professional. Nobody wants to know secrets about your life.
Please try to refrain from talking about such topics as the following, politics, religion, or sex. I am not knocking these topics. You want a topic that is neutral. You want no views that could be misconstrued as representing that they are politically correct. Not everyone practices religion and there are so many you don't want to offend anyone. And as far as sex goes, let's just put it this way "Nobody wants to know what goes on behind closed doors."
Respect your audience and spare them also from gossip, profanity, slandering others or any type of libel. Please whatever you do respect yourself and try to like I said add value to the lives of your audience.
Now some of the things that I have listed may perhaps be proper on a forum that is specifically written for those topics. But generally speaking use good judgement, have some taste, and enjoy your blog.
Practice practice practice and it will become second nature to you. Another thing the more that you blog the better your speech will become. Really think about it. You are really just carrying on a conversation with your audience and you are slowly reading and concentrating on what you are writing. Soon you will be talking just as well as you write on your blog.
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Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Click Here!
Lots of Money.
Need Lots of Money For Your Business?
For those folks that are not into making money on the internet you may want to skip my blog tonight because it is strictly for folks who are trying to make money online . I for one could use the additional income that could come from selling similar products or services to my mainline business. This may sound like hype but I have heard that it is possible to sell products or advertise products by working as an affiliate for other companies. Either one of these ideals is profitable.
For those folks that are not into making money on the internet you may want to skip my blog tonight because it is strictly for folks who are trying to make money online . I for one could use the additional income that could come from selling similar products or services to my mainline business. This may sound like hype but I have heard that it is possible to sell products or advertise products by working as an affiliate for other companies. Either one of these ideals is profitable.
So that is one avenue of income that you may think about being an affiliate for other companies.
The other way is not so simple but it is almost totally pure profit. And that is to actually sell ebooks on the internet about your expertise or about a subject that you are interested in that you know a lot about.
The products that you could sale could be your own handmade products or products that belong to another company, once again by being an affiliate.
As you can see there are several ways to make money online and in the weeks ahead I will be investigating several of them and who knows I may even try my hand at writing a e-book about making money.
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Big Savings! Software designed to save and make you money. Comes with a Money Back Guarantee!Click Here!
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Click Here!
Monday, November 3, 2014
Totally Honest With You Guys!
Hey it is just little ole me coming at cha again today. Or should I say big me, I have walked twiced this week. Both times about an hour. I have come to the conclusion that in order to lose weight I am going to have to walk every day. So starting tomorrow I am going to start doing just that every day without fail. Oh but nobody ever told me that when I started walking that my legs would be hurting. Now I know why they say no pain, no gain. Lol!!! Wish me luck on my walking.
Now let me get down to some exciting news. I am like most folks always looking for ways to make additional income. I have been actively seeking out ways to prosper and grow economically for about two years now. With lots of trial and error in my search. I have found that there are a lot of legitimate sources of income streams. But the process is very long and tiring scouring the internet and reading bookoos of people's articles claiming to have the true secret to a great income source. I am not judging any of these articles and am not discouraging you from looking at them. I am just suggesting to you that until now I have struggled. But I have found that there is legitimate help out there for people who want to make money online. We just need that help and need to be steered in the right direction.
And now join me on Facebook. Click the link below!
Big Savings! Software designed to save and make you money. Comes with a Money Back Guarantee!
And now join me on Facebook. Click the link below!
Big Savings! Software designed to save and make you money. Comes with a Money Back Guarantee!
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Click Here!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Michael Lopez
Michael Lopez Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow!
Like I told you guys I was going to bring Michael on here. He is excellent at what he does.
You can check out Michael at a couple of links. He is very protective of his personal life and of his family. He is very outgoing and caring. He takes his professional life seriously and is a dedicated hardworking young man. I hope that you can appreciate these glimpses into his life that he has chosen to share. This is a opportunity that Michael presents to a handful of his contemporaries who are serious minded about their professional lives. As a matter of fact Michael does not have a website set up and he does not publish his phone number or other personal information about himself. You might ask well how does he succeed at this business? Well it is as I said he chooses exactly whom it is that he wants to welcome into his business. He is very thorough when it comes to screening applicants. He not only wants people who are serious he wants people who are dedicated and self motivated. Responsible individuals that do not have to be told that in order to become financially secure that they need to work. And not just by going through the motions, but to work hard. They must know that to succeed in life they have to have a vision, purpose, and a vehicle to help them get from here to there.
Michael knows that these people will help his business become more successful. If you want to contact Michael just friend him on facebook. Go to https://www.facebook.com/mikelopezisthebest .
Michael Lopez
Thanks for joining me today! I hope that this article helps you. Your friend, Rebecca Lamon
Join Me On Facebook! Look forward to having you!
Big Savings! Software designed to save and make you money. Comes with a Money Back Guarantee!
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Always seek medical advice before starting any type of supplements or do any vigorous workout.
These questions and many more have I been trying to answer these last few day. When I first discovered Le-Vel I will be super honest with you is when I ran across an old friend of mine a Mike Lopez. But oh let me get this straight it is Michael Lopez, that is what he prefers to go by. I shortened it to Mike to go in my telephone. Anyhow me and Michael met on the internet. Of all of the people that I have met on the internet he really has been a great person to know and I am glad that I met him. As it is his dad left his mom and family in a disastrous state of financial ruin when he passed away. You see he had no insurance to care for his family. I will include links in this article tomorrow that will connect you to Michael if you decide that you need insurance because as you guessed it. He later in life started selling insurance so that he could help other people. Anyhow, Michael is a great kid and he stays on top of things trying to care for his mom and family. He works a full-time job and does some internet marketing on the side. He has two great sites. One is for coffee and the other is as you guessed it, Le-Vel. So far he has signed up 6 more consultants and as you guessed it I am one of them. Only they are not called consultants they are called Promoters. That is the cool part of Le-Vel you can become a promoter and earn a residual off of the sales on your site and take the product if you want to. I plan on taking the product myself. I have been investigating it and all of the ingredients. Everything that I have read has really impressed me. The actions and benefits of the ingredients are totally awesome. It has many Probiotics that of which we all need to keep a 80 to 20% ratio with 80% good bacteria and only 20% bad in our bodies. It has ingredients to help with relieving pain, helping with weight loss, and many other benefits. I just want something to help me lose about 40 pounds. And I think I have found the right one. As time goes by I will keep everyone posted as to how the weight loss is going because as most of you know who have read all of my post I have been having some trouble keeping it off. My site is Lady Divine I know you are dying to Click on it and go there now. Sign up to be a Promoter and start earning residual income off of the products that people buy off of your site. Or just become a Le-Vel consumer with all of the health benefits you can't lose one way of the other you WIN. Lose weight, feel fit, or as one guy put it feel euphoric with Le-Vel. I know you are dying to see the site so go ahead check it out. Click on Le-VelFacebook is becoming a way of life for most folks. Feel free to join me on facebook! Just click the link below.
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Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Motivation is The Key Folks!

Everything is beautiful in nature. Me! I love roses. These beautiful flowers were in my mother's back yard. They grow so graceful up and towards the sun. They grow as if they are on a mission to simply be magnificent in their glory as they provide enjoyment for us.
We should grow like that in our everyday life and in our business life. Motivation is the sunshine that we need to energize us on toward reaching our goals and thus making our dreams come true.
If you have not thought of it, maybe you really should. Where do you stand now?. Where are you at? Are you where you want to be? Think about where you want to be and imagine how it would feel to be there now.
So what is stopping you from reaching for your dreams?
How serious are you about bringing your dreams into fruition.
I have a vehicle for you if you seriously want to reach your greatest potential with a tried and true company. Give me a call and let's get you motivated, put a little sunshine in your life and grow.
Thanks Rebecca Lamon You are welcome to come and join me and the gang on Facebook!
Just click the link below and it will take you there.
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software will make your business
grow so quickly. If not satisfied it
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Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Click Here!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Flowers Galore
Flowers galore is about you guessed it FLOWERS! That is what I have been up to today! Painting flowers. The first time that I ever tried to paint roses was last night and boy do I have a lot to learn. But I feel blessed that I gave it a shot and did my best. I mean that is all we can ask from ourselves. When we take on a new project we should try our best and give it our all. The satisfaction that you get out of trying something new is tremendous and you feel happy inside knowing that you gave it your all.
Here is a picture of my roses. I hope that you enjoy them.
Let's grow together on facebook!
Just click the link below!
Big Savings! This incredible
software will make your business
grow so quickly. If not satisfied it
even has a money back guarantee!
Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Exercise, Work, Taxes, and Fun!
Exercise, Work, Taxes, and Fun!
As to Kevin Ingle being my new health mentor, he accepted the challenge wholeheartedly and has already given me my first assignment. This is what he wrote, "Hey Rebecca, I have an assignment for you, I want you to google forks over knives this week, find a recipe that sounds good to you, and try it, that's your assignment this weekend."
That sounds like it may be a great challenge for all of us. So
follow along with my new mentor and me during the weeks and months to come. You too
could become health conscious and get fit.
As for the first day of my exercise regimen, it consisted of walking for one mile. If you
think that that is too much for you just walk until slightly tired and continue a little more
every day until you make a mile. Don't push yourself remember to relax and the key is to
enjoy yourself. Take this time to think about happy thoughts not your problems or work.
Now that I have mentioned work that is a serious topic because where would we be without
work in our lives. Even if you do not work at a traditional job you still have work to do
and that can become stressful. So remember to pace yourself and take breaks during the
day. A good fifteen minute break to relax, read, paint, walk, etc., is a good distraction from
the task at hand that can re energize you for a more productive mindset that will help you
continue your work day at full steam.
This next topic is taxes. The big T word. We either dread it or we look forward to it, just
depends on the outcome I suppose. For those that get a
refund that is terrific, could be a great vacation in the making or a nice nest egg for a good
investment. For those that have to cough up a good portion of their income to pay their
taxes my advice is to learn how to budget your money throughout the year so that this will
not set you back at all. As we learn to budget our money it is my belief that we should set
aside a substantial amount whenever we can for a savings plan and for paying our taxes
when they come due so that it will not be missed from our earnings in one lump sum. As
for those of us that have outstanding bills, credit cards etc. , I believe that a proportionate
amount of our savings should be spent paying those in order to curb what the interest is on
those expenses.
Now that we have gone over all of that let's get to the good part and that is fun! You don't have to have a lot of money to have fun. Take up a hobby! Learn to cook exotic foods, paint, draw, write, read, or simply enjoy your free time to the fullest with family and good friends. Whatever you do don't forget to take care of you. Spoil yourself in your free time with things that free your mind of worries and stress.
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Join me on facebook! Click on the link Below Today!
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Written And Produced By:
Rebecca Lamon
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Let It Snow!
East Texans are getting to enjoy mother nature's snow show. Today is the second snow that East Texas has experienced this year. I took a couple of pictures for memory purposes. It doesn't snow very often here.
Click Here!Written And Produced By:
Ambit Energy Regional Marketing Consultant
Rebecca Lamon
(936) 208-1500
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Rebecca Lamon
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